Feminist Boys Studies Research Group

The Feminist Boys Studies Research Group works to explore and develop a distinctive approach to research on boys, boyhood, and the conjunction of youth and masculinity. Our affirmative approach is committed to moving beyond seeing boys and boyhood as obstacles to a more gender equal future and to critically inquire into the experiences and representations of boys, without homogenising them but also without reducing them to a problem space.


Feminist Boys Studies Research Group


Short read

What do schools need to do to have a good culture and healthy approach to gender? A Conversation piece.

Feminist Boys Studies Research Group, Dr Kellie Burns and Dr Jessica Kean write about what it means for schools to be genuinely gender inclusive.
Short read

Why do we have single sex schools? Published in The Conversation

Feminist Boys Studies Research Group, Dr Jessica Kean and Dr Kellie Burns with Professor Helen Procter on the heated debate on single sex versus co-ed schools.